The process and development of the company logo. Inspired of graffiti writing the name was first hand written and then polished in Illustrator. The first blue logo was used from 2005 to 2010.

In 2005 when Bunker Hill was founded I made a serie of images launching the new company after seperating from my former excellent colleges at TAF. A brutal kontrast between the work we did and the work I wanted to do in the future.

The process and development of the company logo. Inspired of graffiti writing the name was first hand written and then polished in Illustrator. The first blue logo was used from 2005 to 2010.
In 2005 when Bunker Hill was founded I made a serie of images launching the new company after seperating from my former excellent colleges at TAF. A brutal kontrast between the work we did and the work I wanted to do in the future.